About Us

At Pride Naturals we know that a well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy, but due to poor dieting and hectic lifestyles, many people don’t get all the nutrients their body’s need. This is where Pride Naturals can be of help. Our electrolytes supplements can deliver nutrients to your body that it could be sorely lacking. All of our products are manufactured right here in the USA in an FDA Certified laboratory.

Our Story

Providing The Highest Quality Supplements!

Let’s face it, my wife and I know it is difficult to avoid these tasty, sugar filled sports drinks. My kids were already hooked on them. We felt like we had no alternative really and we wanted to make healthier choices for our kids and family. It was an easy decision to stop giving our kids sports drinks and soda (which, for all practical purposes, are the same). But we were stuck with what we could replace them with that was healthy and still replenished their badly needed electrolytes.

We looked at what was on the market and we were not happy with most of the products we found. We wanted something with no-GMO’s, sugar-free and that gave a good balance of both electrolytes and vitamins. Most of the electrolyte products we were finding did not come with very many actual electrolytes. In fact, we couldn’t see how they could claim to be an electrolyte drinks when all they had were maybe two of the vital electrolytes and for the most part, they had very little of the two electrolytes.

Have you ever stopped and read the ingredients in your favorite sports drink or so called “healthy” water? If you take the time and read the label from some of the popular sports drinks on the market today, it will most likely contain high fructose corn syrup, fructose, sucrose, brown rice syrup, sucralose, cane juice or maltodextrin – all of which can contribute to weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and tooth decay. I couldn’t in good conscience keep giving these to my kids anymore, especially my 5 year old son. He sweats up a storm every time he goes to the playground and does not particularly like drinking water. I knew I had to find a better option for him. We also knew we had other friends and family who were having the same issues with sports drinks that we were having.

I started researching the importance of electrolytes to the body and what could happen if you didn’t hydrate yourself properly. Proper hydration involves more than just drinking a gallon of water a day. After all, when you sweat you lose a lot more than just water, you lose vital nutrients. I discovered that electrolyte needs vary much more than either caloric or hydration needs, depending on the size of your body and your diet, so getting the proper amounts can differ from person to person.

Without the proper amount of electrolytes, you can get dehydrated. Dehydration has several negative impacts on people and I have experienced this first hand. A couple of the most common symptoms you can experience are muscle cramps and fatigue. So, I learned that replenishing electrolytes helps to restore these key mineral losses; but electrolytes also help make the most of my water, which is the key to proper hydration. I’m also more active than a typical person, I work out 6 days a week and play sports very regularly, so finding a healthier option was very important to me. I also learned that if you don’t stay properly hydrated during a workout, you don’t get the most out of your workouts. Proper fueling during exercise requires more than replenishing calories and fluids; it involves consistent and adequate electrolytes as well.

We tried several of the products on the market ourselves and gave them to our kids as well, we were not happy with the flavors and the overall ingredients. After talking much discussion with my wife, we came to the conclusion that we needed to formulate our own electrolyte drink mix. We consulted with a nutritional supplement specialist and after going back and forth for months, we came up with our flag ship product Pride Naturals Berry Flavor. We tested out with everyone who was willing, but ultimately it was our kids seal of approval on the flavor that decided it for us. People have been responding very well and leaving us great reviews, and we knew we had to expand on our flavors to ensure everyone could get what they wanted out of our electrolyte powder. Since then we have come out with two new flavors, a Lemon Lime and Orange flavor and are constantly working on expanding our flavors as well as adding new products.

Strawberry Watermelon Flavor Front
Grape Flavor

12 + 9 =


Clearwater, FL 33765


(727) 373-6545

